Get rid of daily worries
Immerse yourself in relaxation completely

In an environment where you experience a feeling of coming home


your body has a lot to say, but can you still hear it?

We all suffer from it, daily activities take over existence and before you know it, another week has gone by and once again you did have not have had enough time for your own needs. A few months later you notice that your stress level is too high and you are no longer clear in your head.

It is time for a holiday, a holiday in which you not only get time to relax
but also reconnect with mind and body.



By whojeanne-visser?

A backpack filled with life experience, Jeanne decided years ago to quit the rat race of life. On the verge of being burned out and tired of all obligations, she has taken a new path, the path of Yoga and Mindfull living and as it is so beautifully called nowadays, mindfulness. She is now a trained counselor, international accredited yoga therapist, yoga teacher, personal trainer and Reiki Master and she is the founder of Jeanne calls herself a no nonsense yoganista. Because she has a Spondylolisthesis (spine disorder) and a mild scoliosis, she knows what it feels like when your body sometimes does not want to cooperate. Everyone simply does what they can and you can play with limits but never cross your boundaries. These are the basis of all her yoga classes. Because of her caring character and the gift to show you the best version of yourself, Jeanne is able to make a wellness holiday an unforgettable experience.

Ibiza-yoga-retreat-2021Her retreats are not the same without her husband Marcell. With his friendly and open character, he is able to win everyone’s heart. As a former world Pencak Silat champion which was only available in Indonesia back in 1979, he has a unique experience of 55+ years.  His Power Lanka lessons always prove to be the perfect addition. He is a teacher in heart and soul and with patience and passion he is able to teach you the movements in a natural way. Together they offer a time to remember.


yoga bali